the big cheese

Moon Collage
Camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ35k
Mode: Creative Night
Shutter Speed: 1/100 s
Exposure: -2
ISO: 200

If you are one of those regular people with no special visual talents, no photography training of any kind (exactly like me, that is) and a mid-range basic Point And Shoot bridge camera like the one mentioned above, you might be wondering if there is a quick trick to somehow improve the quality of some of your shots, especially in low light.

One of my tricks is -2. That’s right, set your exposure as low as your camera will allow and give it a try. Lowering exposure will gain you higher shutter speed, which makes for a cleaner, better picture in the end. You are probably thinking that manually adjusting shutter speed in the S Mode is a more efficient way of doing the same; try it if you must, you will discover that the Shutter Speed Mode on a non-pro camera, in low light, will provide a whole lot of digital noise, without any redeeming features to make up for it.

Creative Night Mode, low exposure, automatic ISO and aperture – and you are likely to end up with a picture similar to the ones above.

Have fun!

Difficulty: Beginner
Camera: Non-pro compact or bridge super-zoom
Fun: Highly addictive